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The Todoist API uses OAuth2 for authentication. This guide provides a quick overview of the authentication flow using our TypeScript client.

Quick Start

import {
} from '@doist/todoist-api-typescript'

// 1. Generate state parameter and store it
const state = getAuthStateParameter()

// 2. Get authorization URL
const url = getAuthorizationUrl('YOUR_CLIENT_ID', ['data:read', 'task:add'], state)

// 3. Redirect user to the authorization URL
// 4. Handle OAuth callback and get code

// 5. Exchange code for token
const { accessToken } = await getAuthToken({
clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET',

Using the Access Token

import { TodoistApi } from '@doist/todoist-api-typescript'

// Initialize API with access token
const api = new TodoistApi(accessToken)

// Use API methods
const task = await api.addTask({
content: 'Buy groceries',
dueString: 'tomorrow at 12:00',
priority: 4,

Available Functions

Available Scopes

  • task:add - Only create new tasks
  • data:read - Read-only access
  • data:read_write - Read and write access
  • data:delete - Full access including delete
  • project:delete - Can delete projects

📖 For detailed implementation steps and security considerations, consult the Todoist API Authorization Guide.